Suspect wanted for using fake cash Sheffield January 21st 2019

This suspect entered a Spar store in Hackenthorpe, Sheffield, on the 21st January 2019 and purchased a energy drink, the suspect paid with a fake £20 note, the shopkeeper believed the £20 to be genuine, the suspect then said that the shopkeeper had not gave him the right change, he then by mistake gave the suspect an extra £10 note, the member of staff had originally gave the suspect the right change, the suspect then asked to change another £20 which was a fake too.
Catch A Thief UK have also matched this suspect to another crime, where he assisted another suspect who is wanted in connection for a theft back on the 26th June 2017, see video 2.
Suspects Description
The suspect had short hair, quite slim build, and a gaunt face, he was wearing a dark blue jacket, with white stripes and grey jogging bottoms, he is 5”6 - 5”7 approximately, in his late 20’s / early 30’s, the suspects ethnicity is believed to be white British.