Welcome to our partners page. If you are interested in becoming a partner or collaborator with Catch a Thief UK you can contact us at anytime to find out more information. We will be happy to assist.
Partners and Collaborators
Catch a Thief UK is committed to making a positive difference and impact in the places we live and work.
By partnering and collaborating with the very best in security and investigations across the United Kingdom and beyond we aim to bring you the very best in crime fighting solutions, methods and technology.
Utilising the very best and latest in state of the art technology, solutions and methods to thwart crime and criminal activity at all levels, putting communities and businesses at the heart of everything we do.
From public appeals to matching suspects and utilising the very latest crime fighting technologies that will help bring the perpetrators of criminal activity to justice, whilst keeping your businesses, staff and members of the general public feel safer, more protected and informed on the latest trends surrounding criminal actively and what is being done to combat the issues and causes that blight and bring down the places we work and live.
Super Recognisers International

Super Recognisers International are people with extraordinarily good human facial recognition ability to recognise the faces of people even when they have only seen that face once before no matter if it was fifty years ago or more.
Human Super Recognisers are the extreme opposite of prosopagnosia, "which is a neurological disorder characterised by the inability to recognise faces. It is estimated that 1–2% of the population are human Super Recognisers who can remember 80% of faces they have seen, either in passing, in person or from CCTV images and footage.
The average person can only remember about 20% of faces that they have seen. Super Recognisers have a highly proven track record to be far more superior that computer recognition systems.
Trained personnel from Super Recognisers International are also trained in behavioural analysis, facial mapping, gait analysis and are academically certified by the University or Greenwich as being part of the 2% of the population who possess this super human skill.
Super Recognisers International was founded and set up by former Metropolitan Police Detective Mike Neville when he formed the worlds Super Recognisers Unit at New Scotland Yard, London.
If you are a law enforcement agency or security company who is interested in the work Super Recognisers International and their team undertakes you can visit their website here.
By visiting Super Recognisers Internationals website you will get the chance to take part in their free Super Recognisers test where you will see if you or any of your team members have what it takes to become a human Super Recogniser. You can find out more about the free human Super Recognisers test here.
The Professional Security Officer Magazine

The Professional Security Officer Magazine is written to help you in your jobs by: keeping you up to date with news, views and security issues, helping with CPD, training and career development, networking and building contacts.
This “niche” publication is understandably attracting a huge amount of attention and support from all sectors of the industry!
Between them the founders of The Professional Security Officer Magazine founders have a combined total of almost 60 years’ experience in the UK security industry. Combined with their Police and Military backgrounds, ensures that the publishers have become recognised subject matter experts in their fields. They have an exceptional wealth of industry experience and knowledge.
You can find out more about The Professional Security Officer Magazine here.