Campaign To Transform Unused Telephone Boxes Into Digital Secure Safety Pods
Story by Paul Lynch 15 March 2021
Digital Girl! Farrah McNutt Launches' Campaign To Convert Old Phone Boxes Into Digital Safety Pods That Can Be Used For Vulnerable Members Of The General Public To Escape Violence.
Digital Influencer and Entrepreneur, "Digital Girl", Farrah McNutt has launched a very important public campaign to convert old unused British Telecom phone boxes into secure Digital Safety Pods!
Digital Safety Pods will give the opportunity for vulnerable members of the Public to have a safe place when an emergency situation aries. When they feel that they are under the threat of an attack by potentially violent assailant(s), the Digital Safety Pods can be utilised.

Piture: Digital Girl - Farrah McNutt - Influencer!
Farrah said," The Digital Safety Pods would be able to shield and protect the most vulnerable of us in society from violent criminals...
The country as a whole are experiencing problems with policing, Law and disorder at the moment and the COVID 19 Pandimic has put huge pressure on our services, not only the Police, but it has severely affected all of our services, now we are seeing crime at levels never witnessed before.
The general public need protecting and we must Act Now."
Farrah started her career in the digital security industry when she was just 20 years old, breaking down barriers in what is widely known as a male domenated industry.
Farrah created the UK's first successful privately owned online digital crime prevention platform named, Catch a Thief UK, also striking a successful partnership with Super Recognisers International, who possess skills of visually matching the faces of suspects who are wanted for committing multiple crimes. There is only about 2% of the human population that have the ability to do this.
Super Recognisers International is owned and run by Mike Neville and since it was first founded in 2016, they have created a very impressive portfolio of fully certified Human Super Recognisers matching hundreds of suspects to thousands of unsolved crimes, they also found and matched the Russian suspects who were responsible for the Novichok incident in Sailisbury, England, that happend on the 4 March 2018, where a powerful nerve agent was used to poision Sergel Skripal a former Russian military officer and double agent for the British intelligence agencies and his daughter, Yulia Skripal.
Farrah's platform Catch a Thief UK is also proving to be very successful in deterring and significantly reducing crime, while getting suspects identified in the many retail outlets that she has been working with using her self created online crime prevention tool. Farrah first launched Catch a Thief UK in 2014.
Farrah is now 27 years old and has gained a wealth of knowledge and expertise in all things security and crime related, she has gained thousands of followers from across her platforms and is highly respected by her peers in the security and retail sectors and is well on her way to the top.
One year into her first project in 2015, Farrah was awarded a £1,500 Grant from the Prince's Trust that she used to finance a Laptop and essentinal computer software that she needed to further develop the Catch a Thief UK platform.
Farrah's venture, vision and willpower got her invited to major events such as, The Retail Fraud Awards, run by Retail Risk. She also got the attention of The Women in Security awards and spent an evening on the Queen's Dixie boat on the River Thames in London just before the first lockdown in 2019.
Farrah has also been interviewed by the likes of Dunelm, The Range and was also asked to deliver training and expertiese to the staff at Merlin Entertainment who owns the London Eye, Thorpe Park attractions and more.
As a result of Coronavirus a lot of things was put on hold, and during Lockdown she got creative in making a new platform to create a safer way to deliver and recieve parcels, this is due to be released within the next two weeks and is called Online Driver UK.
Farrah is a highly motivated and respected individual by members of the security and retail industries, also gaining recognition and respect from valued members of the public who can recognise the value in her ideas, work and expertise. You can find some of her endorsements here.
Farrah said, "I am launching this campaign because we all have the right to feel safe and secure when we are going about our everyday daily lives, whether we are a child, woman or man, we all have the right to feel safe and secure as the human beings that we are.
The elderly can't even take their beloved pets for a walk anymore without brutal thugs wanting to attack and steal from them, its just not right.
More needs to be done about tackling this huge ever growing dangerous situations with violence, knife crime and gangs. I will be approaching members of the Government and British Telecom to gain their views and support around Implementing this much needed project and the Digital Safety Pods."
In the wake of everything that has been happening around the United Kingdom including the unprecedented murder of Sarah Everard, who went missing and her body was later discovered earlier this month. The man accused of killing her was a serving Metropolitan police officer who has since been charged with Sarah's murder and is now remanded in custody pending a Crown Court trial.
Farrah's amazing idea sprung into action when she saw a news article in the Leicestershire Live, stating that British Telecom was selling off all their old telephone boxes for just 1 pound, but there is a catch!
British Telecom are selling the land that the phone boxes sit on, for a hefty sum of over £2,700.
Farrah is now in the process of setting up a Crownfunding campaign page as advised by some of her peers in the security industry, she is doing this to raise the funds that will be necessary to implement this amazing and important public safety initiative.
The phone boxes will need to be converted, to make them more secure and reinforced, with an auto locking door that will enable the aggrieved to escape any assailant(s). Anyone under attack can be kept secure In a digital protective Pod that automatically locks behind them once they have entered the pod and can safely wait in the locked pod until help arrives.
The Digital Safety Pods will also be fitted with CCTV and a two way communication system that will be connected to a live operator, that would be activated as soon as the Pods door is opened.
Farrah will need to raise about £10,000 to help fund the start of this useful public safety initiative and wants to see the first implemtation of the Digital Safety Pods in the most violent areas of the UK.
You can help Farrah with this campaign by clicking on the "Donate" button located at the bottom of the this page.
Farrah also has another amazing crime prevention platform, named, Public Appeals UK,that she started setting up around 2 months ago.
Public Appeals UK has already gained over 1000 followers from concerned citizens across the United Kingdom. Farrah says that the Public Appeals UK platform could fit in nicely with the Digital Safety Pods."
Farrah also said, "Donating to this campaign is extremly important as this will help save lives, also bringing a new sense of valuable security in these ever changing uncertain times.
The good thing is that all of the phone boxes are already there in position with a live power supply that can easily be used to power the CCTV and internet, the old phone boxes will just need a bit of a refurb and a new skin, CCTV and a two way communication system that will activate as soon as the door gets opened."
Farrah's Secure Digital Safety Pods, Crowdfunding page Link:
She is now in the process of drawing up the plans for the design and location for her first Digital Safety Pod and would welcome any support and influence in the design of the Pods. She is thinking on the lines of DR Who's 999 Tardis.
You can find out more information about Farrah, by connecting to her social meida profile platforms, on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter located in the Social Bar at the top of this page, or you can search her name in Google.
Please keep checking back to this page for an update on how you can donate to this worth while needed cause.
If you think that this is a worthy cause and would like to support Farrah McNutt's campaign, then please feel free to tap the donate button using one of the secure payment methods below.
Thank You in advance for your help and trusted support.
Keep Alert and Stay Safe!